Langley Dental Cleaning for Oral Health and Overall Health
As a team of hygienists in Langley, part of our mission is to educate people about the impact of oral health on overall health.
According to the latest statistics, almost 70% of Canadians will develop gum disease at some point.
Gum disease is linked to a range of seemingly unrelated diseases, not only in the mouth, but around the body. Recent studies have shown a connection between the bacteria associated with periodontal disease cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other autoimmune diseases, to name a few.
Gum disease develops when sticky plaque sits on the teeth long enough to harden into rough, porous tartar build up, resulting in a perfect environment for harmful bacteria that trigger your immune system. Your immune system responds to fight off the bacteria by sending blood that contains immune system defenders (white blood cells) to the affected area, resulting in gum tissues that are tender, swollen, and bleed easily. We call this stage of disease gingivitis. Left untreated, the immune system will become increasingly frustrated with the bacteria and continue to send more intense and aggressive immune system defenders that will actually begin to cause collateral damage to your tissues. This results in more painful inflammation, receding gumlines, and potentially eventual tooth loss as bones and tissue in the mouth deteriorate. This is the next stage of gum disease and the permanent damage and ongoing disease is called periodontitis.
The good news is gum disease is preventable and gingivitis is reversible as long as it’s caught early. Periodontitis can be managed and become stable, so it is very important to make adjustments to prevent further loss of bone and gum tissue to prevent tooth loss. In addition to a healthy at-home approach to oral hygiene—including a regimen of brushing and flossing and using effective products—the team at Risette Dental in Langley is here to round out your oral health with comprehensive check-ups and dental cleanings to remove and minimize build-up of plaque and tartar and provide oral health education.
Visiting Risette for Langley Dental Cleaning and Teeth Whitening:
- Our clinic accepts dental insurance including CDCP and healthy kids and social programs.
- Hygienists work one-on-one to improve your oral hygiene
- Address challenges like bad breath and cavity prevention
- Our clinic charges hygienists chair rates to make hygiene more affordable and accessible.
- Combine dental cleaning and whitening packages for a healthy, bright smile
Oral care is part of overall health and is an opportunity for important assessments, much like a yearly physical. To meet recommended practices, patients without gum disease should aim to schedule a check-up and dental cleaning once every six months. Patients with gum disease should target a check-up and cleaning every three to four months until they reach a stability under the advisement of a dental care professional.
Schedule Langley Dental Cleaning
As a boutique hygiene clinic, a trip to Risette is free of drills and needles. We offer a friendly, relaxing atmosphere for people who may find check-ups and dentists intimidating. We start each cleaning with a comprehensive check-up that may include:
- Dental and Perio assessment – teeth and gums
- Bite assessment – occlusion, TMJ joints and soft tissues
- Oral cancer assessment – risk management and visual and VELscope® screening
Your hygienist will then start scaling and planing, using a combination of ultrasonic tools and hand tools to effectively remove soft and hard build-up from tooth surfaces, below the gumlines, and between the teeth.
At Risette Dental, we’re committed to your oral health. Book your next dental cleaning at our Langley Dental clinic. Contact us by phone at 778-807-9631 or book online.